![]() 11/21/2013 at 23:15 • Filed to: Gunlopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
Thought the Oppo can haz gunz thread would be this.
Post your current, dream or batshit looney firearms here. I'm sure there's enough people on here that like to shoot.
(PS: Not these firearms)
Let's see'em!
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since dream and batshit looney is allowed I submit this:
US Navy Civil War Dahlgren boat howitzer
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If you had to recommend one good handgun, one good rifle and one good shotgun what would you suggest?
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Current: Taurus 85
Wish list: Kel Tec Sub 2000
And Kel Tec PMR 30:
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I abhor guns..........
But this one is VERY pretty.
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Depends on what they're for.
I think if I could only have three it would be a Remmington 700, a Kimber 1911 and a Remmington 870.
None are too exciting but all reliable classics.
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I'd crap my pants in fear firing this thing...
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As a kimber 1911 owner, I do NOT recommend them.
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I have a Walther PK380, S&W Model 60 and a Ruger 10/22. I really want a nice precision rifle in .338 lapua ( I know its an oddball round but what I've shot I've really liked) and a 1911 as such:
Surgeon 591 Short Action BDL Style Repeater
Surgeon Sniper Bolt Knob
Bartlein 5R, 6.5mm, 1 in 8 twist Stainless Steel Barrel, ACRC Durabake Finnish, Chambered in .260 Remington, finished to 26”
ACRC Muzzle Break
Ase Utra jet-Z™ COMPACT Moderator
AICS Stage 2.0 MoD Flat Dark Earth Stock
CG X-Treme Mod 22 2-stage Trigger
AI Hand Stop
AI Adjustable Traget Butt Pad
Accu-shot BT08QK (Quick Knob) Rear Monopod
Rigby AI Bipod
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Whao. That rifle is no joke.
Note to self: don't ever piss off Who needs sway bars anyway
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Current (among others): Taurus PT92 AFS
Wish list: Finish my friggin AR-15
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Daily carry. Springfield XD 40 Subcompact. 9 and 12 rd mags. Love it.
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I'd like an H&K handgun. USP or an HK45, I think. Haven't shot enough of them yet. Not a Glock, unless it's 9mm. But it will be a while until I get a handgun. So I have lots of time to look.
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I come and go on the first two, but for 5 years now, I've been completely sold on the Perazzi MX8
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I used to have a PT92.
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I've got a few friends with them, no problems I've heard of. Replace Kimber with whoever though, love the 1911 itself.
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I've actually got a Kimber I love, but it seems to be the exception to the rule — especially considering it's from their EE phase.
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Anything to watch out for with it?
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FAS 604
Not a firearm but the closest I've got. Next on the list is a .22 Benjamin Marauder. Then an FID and Class A carry license and a .22 pistol (probably a Ruger). Then a S&W 1911. Then a .177 HMR rifle. Not sure what is on the list after that.
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Once i turn 21 i will own one. And also have my ccw permit in michigan.
I like 1911's but not the easiest to conceal.
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Mine was problem free, but I had a stainless steel finish with a tac rail. I once put a little flashlight on the tac rail and the finish instantly scratched up. I didn't care too much, but I was surprised how easy it was to scratch. My own fault. Gun worked great with no functional issues. I hear a lot of people saying Taurus is crap, but that's probably just talk. The PT92 and my current 85 SS are good. My old Sig however, now that was crap.
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Don't have any pictures but I got a Savage 116 7mm Rem Mag as a grad present and it's pretty and I love it!
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And it's bad ass gun!
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Also on my wishlist:
Tisas Zigana Sport
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This one looks just like mine. Apparently it's a S&W Model 18.
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Good to hear. Mine is the older version without the rail. It had an occasional feed issue until I polished the feed ramp, but it's been fine ever since. I've heard the comments about Taurus as well, and figure it's best to hear from someone who actually owned one.
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That's purdy.
Does it oil filter?
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Have a crap H&R .22 revolver. love it , the old guys at the range don't laugh at me when i bring it out.
wants? CZ75 or a clone:
Local pawn shop has a couple options on the shelves now, as well as a Ruger Mark or 22/45, so i can actually afford to shoot.
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Rifle: AR15. Mine is a DPMS, but you can't go wrong with a Bushmaster, Colt, Smith & Wesson, or one from any other reputable manufacturer. You're not going to stop a charging bull with a 5.56 or take 1000 yard shots, but against a man at normal combat ranges it'll more than do the job.
Shotgun: Remington 870 or Mossberg 590. Get a "tactical" model for the extended magazine. I prefer the 870 just because of the safety location.
Pistol: Well this is a big "that depends". How will the pistol be used?
Carry - Buy the smallest thing possible in a real caliber. I say that because you might think that Glock 20 at the gun is small enough to carry but eventually you'll get tired of lugging it around and leave it at home. Both the Kel-Tec P3AT and the Ruger LCP are .380s that are small and light enough to carry in your pants pocket without notice. Throw an extra mag in another pocket and you've got 15 rds.
Home Defense - Wheel gun, because you don't have to worry about swapping out magazines occasionally. You can literally load it, throw it in a drawer and it'll be ready when you need it. Any quality revolver will do: Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Taurus. I'm a Taurus fan, I've got several and for price and quality they're tough to beat. Get one in .357 magnum. You can shoot cheap .38 specials all day at the range then load it with some .357 magnum Hydra-Shoks and you've got enough ass to stop whatever goes bump in the night.
General all-around pistol: 1911. 102 years old and it is still auto-pistol perfection, but it requires training and familiarity because it's a single-action. If you're not going to train on it, don't rely on it. Everyone and their brother makes one these days but a 1911 from any reputable manufacturer should do, though mine are all Springfield Armory and Para-Ordnance. I've carried a Para 14.45 every day for 13 years, it has over 2000 rounds through it and I trust my life to it. Get a full size (5" barrel) one in .45 because that's the way John Browning designed it.
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Just the contents of the safe. I was too lazy to walk around the house and grab all the revolvers and the shotgun that I keep stashed. My AR and another shotgun are at work.
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This one's my baby. I paid way too much for it at Gander Mountain and I don't care.
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I have a few...
and those are a couple of them.
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I have a gun for pretty much everything (I think I'm at or near 40), so now I only buy weird stuff. LIKE THIS:
It's from Arsenal, and they haven't released pricing yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll sell the Porsche to buy it if I have to.
I would also like very much to have a Wildey .50 cal.
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CZ75, Remington 870 or Mossberg 500 with interchangeable barrels, and Remington 700.
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Pretty badass collection dude
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Thanks. I figure I have bout 30k in 10 or 11 guns. Those are the bigger dollar guns there, the M16 is probably about 17-18k-ish alone, and the only machinegun at the moment. What's not shown is the LM7 upper for it—a .22LR belt-fed upper, using the 1919 design. The AUG maybe 5-6k with all the stuff I have for it, and it's a SBR. The can is a Coastal can (POS, never buy their cans). I have a 10ga SxS that is waiting to get cut to about 18" OAL, and a Ruger Mk II that's waiting to be integrally suppressed as well. That's all the transferrables. Everything else is just a regular title 1.
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BTW, the guns are like the Seven. Anyone in the area is free to try everything. You pay for the ammo, you shoot them. Stop by and try the Seven as well...
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Crazy dude. I have probably around 40, but I haven't put more than like 1500 into any single one. Of course I live in California and don't want to go to jail, so that limits my options pretty severely.
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Anybody hazard a guess at this?
(No I've not been Kinja'd)
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SP101 with a shaved hammer (just like this one)
Because reliable. Revolvers are the V6 Camrys of handguns.
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I've got a few friends with them, no problems I've heard of. Replace Kimber with whoever though, love the 1911 itself.
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Really? My husband loves his. For me I prefer something a little smaller. My cc gun is a bursa thunder.
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I'm so proud of you guys. All I have is a plain 'ol Mossberg 590 with a sliding stock. Hmm...I don't have any pics of it.
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I have a few old stocks that I plan on doing something with someday, and a pre-Montgomery Ward Hercules single shot .410
Previously I had two Mosin Nagant M91/30s. One was my daily driver - 1938 model, Finnish refit. Only thing I didn't have was the bayonet.
The other one, someone tried to turn into a 1938 Carbine which was dumb. I never fired it (for fear of it detonating). They had shortened the barrel, cropped the stock to make it a Monte Carlo wannabe, and it was just sloppy as shit and poorly tooled. I bought both for $100 - I had to take the "Carbine" if I wanted the original.
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Bought this on Saturday. Merry Christmas to me.
Also have a Winchester Saddle-Ring Carbine in .44 mag.
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Mmmm, Wildey.
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Don't have any of my own yet - been shooting my dad's collection far too long. Current wishlist:
Marlin 1894C in .45 Colt
Uberti Cattleman
Something CZ, possibly a P-07 for carry.
1911 (any), preferably parkerized, which in my price range kind of means RIA, which is fine.
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A Beretta 92, when I finally acquire my shooting licence.
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Kind of depends on what you're looking to do, especially with the rifle and handgun.
If you're looking for a carry handgun I like the Springfield Armory XDS. I've got a .45 and it is now available in 9mm and either is or will be available in .40. I had an LCP for a while but it was very difficult to shoot and is only a .380. But it is very small and light which makes it likely that you'll carry it all the time. If you're looking for a range pistol find a 1911 that you like. The trigger is as nice as you'll get on a handgun. I have a Kimber that I like, but Springfield and a whole pile of other people make good guns. If you're looking for a hunting pistol then you'll want a big bore revolver. I'm not a revolver guy so no advice there.
As far as a good rifle, if you're looking for plinker/varmint/home defense the AR-15 is an excellent platform. They are like Lego's and it is a lot of fun to put one together. Plus they are easy to change things up on. If you want a different grip it is $25 and 5 minutes of your time. I just helped a friend assemble one starting with a stripped lower and it took 2 hours, though I have done it before. That included full assembly of the lower and putting a barrel and handguard on the upper. The AR-15 is also available in other calibers (I'm going to build a 6.8 SPC soon) that are more suited to hunting deer size game. And you can move up to the AR-10 which will let you shoot .308 if you want. If you're looking for a bolt action hunting rifle Remington, Browning, Tikka, Sako, Ruger... And caliber will depend on what you're shooting and how far.
As far as shotguns go, I'd say Remington 870. It is a pump action, they've been around forever and are reasonably priced. I've had one since for 20+ years and can count on one hand the number of jams I've had. There was one, and it was probably my fault.
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Look at the XDS for a carry pistol. Shoots .45 and is small enough to carry every day. The trigger isn't as nice as a 1911, but it does the job. Plus since its a DAO striker fired pistol there is no safety to deal with beside the grip safety and trigger safety which if you're holding the gun properly is automatic anyway.
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Shooting license?
Where are you from?
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Am I right to assume by this collection you are current/former military?
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Live in NYC so even thinking about owning a gun is illegal. But I did however hit up a range back in October in the Poconos and found out I'm DEADLY accurate with a Desert Eagle. From 18 Ft. away I didn't miss center mass once and even put a bullet through the same hole twice. So if I ever move from this Commie state I'll buy one of those for the house!
Also to my surprise, 9mm handguns tend to be all over the place accuracy wise, like I can't imagine using one in an emergency and actually hitting something dead on. .40/.44/.45 didn't seem to have those issues at all, but they were much heavier overall.
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Suppressed Kriss Vector and a modified AR-15. I don't know much about guns - a friend from church brought these so we could drool over them. We probably spent an hour taking pictures like a bunch of kids. Now I know how people feel when they're begging for pictures with my motorcycle.
Yes, they have poor trigger discipline, but this was corrected. Also, no magazines and the chambers were checked first. They did pretty good about not pointing guns at other people though. I hate I have to add all these disclaimers but this is the internet...
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Handgun: I don't like Glocks, because no safety. Just got a Ruger SR22 for the wife, and I really like it for plinking and range shooting. My full size handgun is a 92FS, though while I like it, there are probably better 9s out there. Not a big fan of the large grip size, and I think it muzzle flips a bit more than other 9s I've shot.
Rifle: Remington 700. Basic, proven hunting rifle that's relatively inexpensive.
Shotgun: Mossberg 500 or Win 870. I like the safety on the Mossberg a bit better, but it's personal preference. They're really similar. I like pumps over autos cause they're cheaper, and double as home defense, but if you want to do a lot of clay shooting, then get an auto.
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No, the barrel tilts as the slide comes back and the weight of the filter would cause issues. :(
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No, I tried, but I figured I'd be better off. I still wish I could have gotten in, but I'm just an average joe. Eventually down the road I'll get a FFL/SOT or 02/07, more likely the latter, but for now they are individual transfers.
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I'm sorry... (that you are stuck in CA)
I didn't pay that much, obviously... I've gotten some killer deals (another story, another time).
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Portugal. Don't worry, our gun laws are far more reasonable than the views of most US politicians.
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Portugal. Don't worry, our gun laws are far more reasonable than the views of most US politicians.
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HK USP .40 S&W
My father and my bro-in-law both have nice 1911's that make me jealous...Perhaps I'll get my own one day :P
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Not sure how I missed this thread, but here is my list:
SCAR 17S .308 - Just sold to make room for a different black gun
Howa 1500 .308 - The bolt gun
M&P Shield 9mm - CC
FN Five-Seven - The backpacking gun
Remington 870 - Because pump
Remington 1187 - Because lazy
Here's a pic of the rifles at the range.
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I forgot to mention, one thing to watch out for (which you may already know about) is that if you push directly on the front of the barrel, the gun won't fire. Not that you would want to fire it while pushing on the barrel, but I learned about this from an army vet friend of mine talking about the drawbacks of using this pistol during a struggle with an attacker. A more knowledgeable (and desperate) bad guy may push in on the barrel to prevent it from firing. Quadrillion to one chances, but it's an interesting fact about the PT92 I didn't always know.
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I approve of this, Kel-Tec is the bomb
I'll take the PMR and this and call it a day
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How'd you like the SCAR?
I've been up in the air about buying one for a while.
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I see, I ask mostly because I've heard a few off my friends here in the states mention that they had to take a course before buying a gun when in reality an ID ids ask that's needed.
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That's clearly an Australian glock - because upside down.
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Here's the crown jewel of my collection, a 1917 P09 Luger, navy model.
The rear sight is adjustable, with sightings for 100m and 200m (which seems really optimistic to me).
Other guns in my collection include:
1903A3 - .30-06, heavily sporterized, accurate to 500 meters.
Ruger Mark II - 6" pencil barrel
1851 Navy replica - black powder is fun!
Magtech 7022 - 'cause everybody should have a .22 plinking rifle
Mossberg 500 - 12ga, 28" barrel - 'cause blasting clay pigeons out of the air is fun!
Berthier MLE M-16 - weird old French carbine in 8mm Lebel. I've never fired it, and given it's condition I'm not sure I would want to, but it's fun to ask people if they want to see my "M-16."
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It's also back-to-front!!
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ahh shit.. can't believe I didn't clue into that lol
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Great rifle, but the ergo was a little weird for me. Other friends could shoot it really well, and I could for standard long range shooting. I much preferred the ejection/bolt action to AR style weapons and loved the charging handle being forward on my off hand so I could clear a jam/dud without dropping target. My problem was when trying to shoot it center chest or for quick shots. It just wouldn't fit me right and a minor annoyance was that the charging handle moves with the carrier so if you let your thumb wander north it would get smacked. It was sad that I had to let him go... but I only keep firearms with specific roles.
Here's a pic of it when I had the big extended Molon Labe mag and the optic off my Howa for fun.
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Yea i originally was thinking of carrying a .38 special with a short barrel but have not decided yet.
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This is my favorite of a few (also have a Rem 870 and Ruger 10/22):
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Was looking at the Kimber CCC II
But, after reading the post here about the extremely ugly, but tough Hi-Point (much, much, much cheaper) I may give one of those a try, tinker with it a bit and see how I like it. They are inexpensive enough that you can tinker all you want and if you screw it up you're not out much money.